So now, my hope through blogging, is to find others who share my love of this cool space program simulation software. I hate to call it a game because it is much more to me. Simply put it is amazing. I find watching Duna rise over the horizon while landed on Ike is breathtaking. When I gaze into the canyon on Dres I am inspired. I also have to admit racing a rover across the surface of Eloo is just plain fun. I want to share these moments with others who actually understand why I am so fascinated by them.
I hope you not only join me on my Kerbal Space Program adventures, I hope you will share your own adventures with me. So this is how it begins. Where it goes next, who knows, but it probably will involve several attempts going horribly wrong, for Jebediah Kermin, before he finally triumphs. Everything in KSP seems impossible... until you do it.
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