
My Rover as it goes airborne cresting a hill on Eloo

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mun Orbitor Series

The Mun Orbitor series was really just a continuation of the prior Orbitor line.

Mun Orbitor1 took the original Orbitor1 and added another FL-T800 fuel tank and solar panels. I don't recall having any of the previous vessels in orbit much less in orbit long enough to lose all power. I guess I just had really high expectations. Scott Manley could undoubtedly land this on the Mun. I did achieve orbit which was still a milestone.

Mun Orbitor1

Mun Orbitor2 was a tweaking by adding Delta Deluxe Winglets and a tiny third stage: FL-T100 fuel tank and LV-909 engine. Mun Orbitor 1 seemed pretty stable when I retested it for this post. It did have a mild roll and I guess that is what I was trying to stop with the fins. The upper stage - seemed pretty useless when I first launched, however keep reading.

Mun Orbitor2

Looking back I think the ships were pretty well thought out, especially for a beginner, and my flying skills were starting to improve to the point I was making orbit. Nowhere near circular but it was orbit.

For fun today, which is three months after original design and testing, I sent the Mun Orbitor2 back to the launchpad, hit the space bar and quickly achieved an 80k orbit. Then I transferred to Mun and set a 15k periapsis. Kind of looks like the Death Star doesn't it?

Mun Approach

It is sort of satisfying to know my original design was capable of the mission once enough flight time had been logged to gain the necessary experience. Notice in the picture above that the double tank second stage is still attached. It even had enough fuel to begin the burn towards Kerbin's atmosphere. I had almost a full tank on the tiny third stage when I began reentry. The solar panels were still extended as I started reentry.


I retracted the solar panels before taking this side image of the reentry flames. I jettisoned the upper stage shortly after the picture was taken.

Side Burn :)

I deployed the chute when my speed dropped below 200 m/s. It opened perfectly at 500 m.


I hope you are saving your old craft files. It is pretty interesting looking back to see what was done correctly and even more interesting to find out the ship really could perform the mission.

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